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Beds and occasionals

Design: Stefano Cavazzana

Monbed is a bed that combines comfort and design, inspired by the concept of transforming the coziness of a duvet into a bed. With its padded headboard adorned with horizontal stitching and the bed frame suspended on metal legs in black or pearl beige, Monbed promises a unique resting experience.

Its appealing aesthetics and enveloping shapes invite relaxation, making it the centerpiece of nighttime well-being and unparalleled comfort.


Bernhardt e Vella

The Jill bed expands the homonymous sofa collection with an offering that mirrors its style and comfort. The upholstered headboard and bed frame, available either suspended on metal legs (in black, black nickel, and pearl beige) or on the floor with or without a storage compartment, reflect a modern reinterpretation of 1970s furniture.

Soft padding envelops those who rest, in an unmatched embrace.

for your inspiration
Chairs and tables
Sofas and wall units
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